> WHAT IS FRONT END AND BACK END TECHNOLOGY > EXAMPLE OF FRONT END > HISTORY AND WORKING PROCESS OF FRONT END AND BACK END Desktop based Application -> 1 source code, multiple people access, using Server, using browser, -> all browser support -> xml to html -> p tag different modified tags -> global 3rd party software company comes to maintain the tags W3ORG company -> validation from -> Animation comes -> independent program JAVASCRIPT language to run browser independent, open source, follow Java language -> google firefox etc browser maintain new modified versions -> problem in dependency -> 3rd party jS company comes and give most benefit version to all, upgrade in all browser -> 3rd party JS is european computer manufacturers association(ECMA) -> ECMA script, ES > ECMA SCRIPT IS ANOTHER NAME OF JAVASCRIPT > LIFE CYCLE OF A WEBSITE USER PC WANTS TO ACCESS A WEBSITE (NOT PRESENT LOCAL CACHE) -...